
Auction 2: Ancient, British and World Coins

Auction date 2023년 9월 12일 화요일 오후 1:00 - 오후 5:00 GMT+1


of 10

Lots per page:

Total lots: 226

Lot Title Estimate Hammer price
76 Roman, Nero (54-68)
Dupondius (67 AD), Lugdunum, laureate head left, with globus at point of neck, rev. Securitas, bare to waist, seated right on throne, resting head against right hand and holding short sceptre in left…
£750 - £800 £700 품목 보기
79 Roman, Divus Vespasian (80-81)
Denarius, Rome, struck under Titus, laureate head right, rev. shield inscribed SC, mounted on column flanked by two laurels, urn on top, E-X across, 3.2g (RIC 359, BMCRE 125, RSC 149). Very fine and…
£240 - £300 £200 품목 보기
81 Roman, Antoninus Pius (138-161)
Denarius, laureate head right, AEQVITAS AVG, rev. Aequitas standing left, holding scales and sceptre, 3.12g, (RIC 61, RSC 14, BMC 17). About very fine
£30 - £50 £35 품목 보기
82 Roman, Marcus Aurelius (161-180)
Denarius, laureate head right. rev, Annona standing left, cornucopia in her left hand and holds grain-ears over a modius with her right hand, legend - PM TRP XIX IMP III COS III, 3.20g, (RIC 142, RSC…
£50 - £70 £120 품목 보기
83 Roman, Macrinus (217-218)
Denarius, Rome mint (218 AD), laureate and draped bust of Macrinus right, rev. Anonna standing left holding corn ears over a modius and cornucopia, 3.35g, (RIC 26, RSC 47a, BMC 41). Extremely fine
£120 - £150 £160 품목 보기
84 Roman, Diadumenian (217- 218)
Denarius, Rome mint, as Caesar, bare-headed and draped bust right, rev. Diadumenian standing slightly left, head right, holding signum and sceptre, two sigma to right, 3.14g, (RIC IV.102.2a, RSC III…
£240 - £300 £220 품목 보기
86 Roman, Honorius (393-423),
Solidus, Mediolanum (Milan) mint, diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, rev. Honorius standing right, holding labarum and Victory on globe, foot on captive below, M D across field, COMOB in…
£850 - £950 £900 품목 보기
87 Roman, Anastasius (491-518),
Solidus, Constantinople mint, helmeted bust of Anastasius facing, holding spear and shield decorated with horseman motif, rev. angel standing left, holding long cross, star in left field, CONOB in…
£650 - £750 £900 품목 보기
89 Celtic (c.1200-1000 BC)
Ring money, thick gold plated, 8.64g, (c.f. VA 1-3). Decorated, an attractive example, extremely fine

Comes with a letter from the British Museum stating that it has been declared and has been…
£800 - £1,000 £800 품목 보기
90 Celtic (c.1200-1000 BC)
Ring money, thick gold plated, 11.08g, (c.f. VA 1-3). Decorated, slight lamination to plating at edge, very fine

Ex. R Harris collection with Spink ticket
£700 - £900 £800 품목 보기
91 Celtic (c.55-45 BC)
Atrebates, Fractional gold stater, abstracted head of apollo right and eight spoked wheel, rev. triple tailed horse with pellet terminals right, collar around horses' neck, strap around horses' belly…
£1,000 - £1,200 £1,600 품목 보기
92 Celtic (c.50-35 BC)
East Wiltshire, quarter stater, 'Vale of Pewsey', cruciform pattern, stylised locks of hair above crudely rendered wreath, crescents below, rev. horse left, rings around, 0.82g, (S.-; ABC.2107, VA.-)…
£120 - £180 £400 품목 보기
93 Celtic (c.58 BC - 43 AD)
Durotriges, quarter stater, 'Duro boat gold', three men in a boat, crescent design rev. zig-zag pattern, 1.28g, (S.368, ABC.2205, VA.1225-01). Debased gold, good fine
£120 - £180 £160 품목 보기
94 Sceat
Secondary phase (c.710-760), series J, York, type 36, diademed bust right, cross pommee before, rev. two birds, cross pommee before, 1.06g, (S.802D, Abramson 20-10). Nearly extremely fine/good very…
£150 - £200 £190 품목 보기
95 Sceat
Secondary phase (c.710-760), Series K, type 33, tall diademed bust right, wreath ties behind, saddleback drapery, cross pommée before, rev. wolf head right, tongue curling in triquetra below, 0.88g, …
£150 - £200 £360 품목 보기
97 Aethelred II (841-843/4)
Styca, first reign, cross crosslet with lines in angles, +AEDELRED REX, rev. four pellets surrounding single pellet within concentric circles, +LEOFDEGN, 1.33g, (S.866A, N.188). Very fine, better in…
£150 - £180 £130 품목 보기
98 Coenwulf (796-821)
Penny, Tribrach type, Canterbury, moneyer Eoba, +COENVVLF REX around central monogram, rev. +EOBA between arms of tribrach, (S.914, N.342). Slight wave to flan, nearly very fine, scarce
£750 - £900 £1,000 품목 보기
99 Coenwulf (796-821)
Penny, portrait type, Canterbury, group III, moneyer Dealla, bust right without diadem, [+C]OENVVLF REX, rev. cross crosslet, [+DEA]LA MO+NETA, 0.93g, (S.916, N.356). A large fragment with some metal…
£150 - £180 £550 품목 보기
100 Aethelstan (924-939)
Penny, two line type, small cross, +PI ÆÐELZTΛИ REX, rev. moneyers name in two lines, three crosses between, a trefoil of pellets above and below, JERRAD retrograde, 1.55g, (S.1089, N.668). Deeply…
£1,000 - £1,200 £1,600 품목 보기
101 Aethelstan (924-939)
Penny, circumscription rosette type, Chester, moneyer Aelfwine, +ÆÐELSTAN REX TO BR, rev. +ÆLF.VINE MON LEIEC (S.1098, N.680, SCBI 34 (British Museum) 181 - same dies). Some minor edge loss, dark…
£1,000 - £1,200 £1,300 품목 보기
102 Eadmund (939-946)
Penny, two line type, moneyer Frard, small cross, +EΛDMVND REX, rev. moneyer's name in two lines, three crosses between, rosettes above and below, FRΛR/D MNI, 1.52g, (S.1105, N.691). Patchy tone,…
£260 - £300 £320 품목 보기
104 William II (1087-1100)
Cut Halfpenny, cross in quatrefoil type, mint and moneyer unclear, 0.51g, (S.1259, N.852). Very fine
£150 - £200 £340 품목 보기
106 Stephen (1135-1154)
Penny, cross moline ('Watford') type, Chester, moneyer Æthelmær?, crowned bust right holding sceptre, rev. cross moline with fleur in each angle, +E[.....] N. CE, 1.13g, (S.1278, N.873). Considerable…
£300 - £360 £340 품목 보기
107 Stephen (1135-1154)
Penny, cross moline ('Watford') type, Lincoln, moneyer Siward, crowned bust right holding sceptre, +STIE(FNE), rev. cross moline with fleur in each angle, +[SIPARD:] ON NICO, 1.23g, (S.1278, N.873).…
£800 - £1,000 £800 품목 보기

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